Light The Night brings communities across Canada together for one magical evening to share stories, remember loved ones lost and pay tribute to our heroes, bringing light, love and hope to dispel the darkness of blood cancers.
I am taking the first step and showing my support.
I am deeply passionate about protecting my clients, ensuring that they have the absolute best protection that always works in their best interests. I work hard to make sure our clients are protected from unexpected events. I am also passionate about the Leukemia Lymphoma Society of Canada and how they support patients and their families when the unexpected does happen. Personally, I have seen the challenges that people face when they are diagnosed with a blood cancer which is why I'm inspired to raise $22,222 with my fundraising team. Why this number? Not only because I want to beat last year's total, but I also like the Fulfilling of Love meaning with Five 2 & Five 5. Let's pass the Love within our community. With your help, I know we can achieve it!
As a small gesture of thanks for your generous support, I would love to recognize you! In addition to receiving a tax receipt, for anyone who donates, we will provide the following:
- $300+ Donation: I will provide a free personal financial consultation worth a value of $300:
- For Corporation: Free HSA Open Account service
- For Individual: Family financial consultation and free to apply for government benefit
- $500+ Donation: The benefits from the $300 category, plus Digital Certificate from the Leukemia Lymphoma Society of Canada.
- $1,000+ Donation: The benefits from the $500 category, plus Personalized recognition plaque from Sunny Life Financial and the Leukemia Lymphoma Society of Canada, and a professional photo with the Insurance Cup!
- $3,000+ Donation: The benefits from the $1,000 category, plus a uniquely branded thank you Trophy!
- $5,000+ Donation: All benefits from the $3,000 category, We will shoot interview videos for donors and post them on the official channel of [SUNNYLIFE1618FINANCIAL] to provide free publicity!
All funds raised through my fundraising efforts in the Insurance Cup challenge will go towards my participation in Light the Night, highlighting my passion for community and for giving back.
我一向非常熱衷於保護我的客戶致力於確保他們獲得最完善的防護以及幫助他們獲得最大的利益。 我十分努力的確保我們的客戶免於受意外事件的影響當不可預期的意外發生時對於加拿大白血病淋巴瘤協會如何的支持患者及他們的家庭我也相對的充滿了熱情與使命感。
當人們被診斷出患有血癌時我個人曾見過他們所需要面臨的各式各樣不同的挑戰。 為什是#1這個數字呢 加拿大保險業正在進行一項募款計畫針對加拿大全國的保險業者希望能募集更多的資金也來幫助血癌的研究進行以及患者及患者家庭支持。 有你的幫助我知道我們做的到
- 捐贈款在$300以上: 我將為企業捐贈者免費提供價值 $300 的HSA 開戶服務;為個體捐贈者免費提供價值$300的家庭理財咨詢服務,並且免費為您的家庭申請政府相關福利!
- 捐贈款在$500以上: 可享受$300級別的所有獎勵,加上加拿大白血病淋巴瘤協會【Leukemia】頒發的電子捐款證書!
- 捐贈款在$1,000以上: 可享受$500級別的所有獎勵,加上來自陽光人生金融和加拿大白血病淋巴瘤協會【Leukemia】頒發的個性化獎牌,屆時將會有相關負責人為您頒獎並合影留念!
- 捐贈款在$3,000以上: 可享受$1,000級別的所有獎勵,加上一個精美的感謝獎杯!
- 捐贈款在$5,000以上: 可享受$3,000級別的所有獎勵,另外我們將為捐贈者拍攝訪問視頻,並發布在【陽光人生】的官方頻道中,提供免費的宣傳!