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Team Keller

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Team Keller is participating in Light The Night London on September 28 to fight blood cancers.

We’re proud to support the blood cancer community through Light The Night.

Blood cancers are the fifth most common form of cancer in Canada, affecting more than 155,000 Canadians—our family members, our friends and neighbours, our colleagues, ourselves. But together, we can shine a light toward a future without blood cancers.

Please consider making a donation today. Thank you for your support!

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Light The Night London

Team Keller
Team Keller

Team Keller

In July 2016 our 22-year old son Adam was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. To say we were shocked would be an understatement. After the initial shock we went right into fight mode. Nothing was going to change his diagnosis so we needed to be strong, resilient and do everything in our power to support him - one day and one step at a time was our motto. Little did we know Adam would be the one supporting us, his family and friends. His positive attitude never waivered. Even when the cancer came back a second time, his response was to fight harder. We were already extremely proud of the wonderful young man he had become and it made us even prouder to see the perseverance he had even in his darkest days. Since his stem cell transplant 6 ½ years ago, Adam is strong, healthy and thankful for the support of his family, his friends, his health care providers and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada (LLSC).

Our family also lost our amazing mother to blood cancer 16 years ago. It's a blood cancer that often doesn't get talked about called Multiple Myeloma. It is treatable for 4-10 years however at this point not curable. The years of treatment is hard and I hope with the help of the LLSC that one day researches will find better treatments and a cure.

Adam's friend started Team Keller the first year that Adam was diagnosed. His friends immediately were IN to do the walk and support the blood cancer community. Days later our family found out about the team and eagerly joined in. Family and friends were supporting Adam and our family in every way possible.

Since 2016 Team Keller has walked each year, and raised close to $50,000 so far. We are so thankful for our supporters, donors and those that come join us on the walk.

I also have to mention that I have personally been so inspired by others around me that have dealt with blood cancers.....

My friend Sheri who lost her battle with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. She fought so hard and supported me even when she was fighting her final days. She will forever be an inspiration to me. I remember her often on life’s tough days. 

A friend and colleague whose 7-year old daughter passed away from Leukemia and started Light the Night in London in 2011, in honour of Katie. 

Another friend Tammi, who is battling Leukemia continues to inspire me each year. Not only does she inspire me to fundraise hard but she leads by example of living life to the fullest, regardless of each day’s challenges. She and her team fundraise all year long to make a real difference for Light the Night. Her fundraising ideas are amazing! She is such a wonderful, caring and strong person that is fighting for so much more than one person. She is making a difference!!

To us, Light The Night means providing light to others through dark and difficult times. The event itself is so beautiful. The energy is amazing, the people are inspiring and it continues to motivate us to walk each year.

I truly believe that one day there will be a cure for blood cancers. Researchers have made leaps and bounds over the years. Between the late 1960s and now, the treatment of leukemia has changed significantly. In the 1950s, nearly all children with leukemia died . The survival rate for children today is over 75 percent and childhood leukemia is one of the most successfully treated cancers . The stem cell transplants that can cure Hodgkin's and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, and treat Multiple Myeloma have been successful due to funding research.

To find a cure we need to support researchers and that's why I hope all Canadians that have the means to support blood cancer research can help out. Every dollar counts!!



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