The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada
To The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada

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Top 10 Events
Event Name Amount Members
Light The Night Vancouver



Light The Night Halifax



Light The Night St.Johns



Top 10 Teams
Team Name Event Name Amount Members
MNP Vancouver Light The Night Vancouver



MNP Atlantic Light The Night Halifax



MNP St. John's Light The Night St.Johns



Top 10 Participants
Participant Name Event Name Amount
MNP Team Floor 23 Vancouver Light The Night Vancouver


MNP Granville Team Floor 16 & 17 Vancouver Light The Night Vancouver


MNP Team Floor 20 Vancouver Light The Night Vancouver


Trevor Stairs Light The Night Halifax


MNP Team Floor 19 Vancouver Light The Night Vancouver


Dawn White Light The Night St.Johns


MNP Team Floor 21 Vancouver Light The Night Vancouver


MNP Team Floor 17 Vancouver Light The Night Vancouver


MNP Team Floor 22 Vancouver Light The Night Vancouver


Sherry O'Brien Light The Night St.Johns
