The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada
To The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada

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As some of you may know, our family lost my brother after a courageous fight against blood cancer. This year is the 11th anniversary since his passing. Unfortunately, cancer has now also touched my family multiple times and my Mom, as well as my sister, have also been through their own battles. So, this year again I will be participating in Light The Night to remember my brother and to honor my Mom and Sister making it through treament into remission and everything we've been through as a family. I don't want anyone to experience what we have, and I believe if we focus on research, we can bring light to the darkness of cancer.

This year, I am serving my third year on the Executive Leadership Committee for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Of B.C/Yukon's Light The Night campaign. Part of the role is to help to raise much needed funds for research so that hopefully we can stop this disease from claiming more of our loved ones. This year the LLSC is investing $5 million into research, which is the most in the organization's 69 year history. This includes 9 researchers in B.C. who are working tirelessly to end blood cancers.

And what better way to support this essential work than to do something that I love: road cycling. This year's fundraiser will be to cycle 50km or 110km on Saturday October 5th. We will start the ride at 8 am and hope to wrap it up with an early afternoon BBQ. Details for the BBQ will be shared via email.

I need your help to make a difference. Please consider fundraising with me or donating what you can. Your support means everything to me and to those affected by blood cancers.

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Top 10 Events
Event Name Amount Members
Light The Night Vancouver



Top 10 Teams
Team Name Event Name Amount Members
Russ's Family & Friends Team Light The Night Vancouver



Top 10 Participants
Participant Name Event Name Amount
Russell Toet Light The Night Vancouver


110km Bike Ride TC Light The Night Vancouver


50km Bike Ride TC Light The Night Vancouver


Ian Moes Light The Night Vancouver
